Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another day,

Millie, originally uploaded by laurensmashtoys.

another bunch of sewing keeping me sane...

I can't get enough of sewing these gals! So much fun.

I also have a few other designs I am working on. Anything to keep my brain happy while I slave away all day everyday for the man. :D

Does anyone else's brain go from one holiday to the next? Now that my birthday is over, all I can think of is Halloween. How am I going to decorate? I have a few tiny toys already sewn up and more on the way. :D What am I going to wear? Geez, I love holidays :D


BeckyKay said...

These dolls are just adorable! I think it's the pigtails!

Tessa said...

Ooh, I love the new dolls - way too cute!! Happy belated birthday, by the way. I hope you had a good one and that things are going well. :)