I have been a sewing fiend. I only have one shirt to show for it. and its wrinkled. Cause I wear it! This weekend was a sew a thon. I love having an extra day off. It makes me feel like sleeping in and hanging out in the sun in the park are not a waste of time. Cause I have a WHOLE other day off to work! I did get another shirt finished and a shirt cut out. I felt pretty good about how I spent my weekend. I am working on another dress to have before I go home. The fabric is a tad expensive though and I need 3 yards. I have to wait until I have a little bit of extra money.
I got my sister's wedding invitation in the mail today! I am so excited. It is only a short time until I go back and see my fam and my little nephews. I am looking forward to it. It will be Ryan's first time meeting them. I am looking forward to seeing his family too! Even though we will only be there a short time.
This week is short and I can't wait for the weekend!