It is that time of year again! I am not a big halloween person. I am definitely the kind of person that talks a big Halloween game and then does nothing about it. I always want to dress up and have great ideas for costumes but I never get that stuff done. I DO love spooky things so much though, which is why I like to get the decorations and put them up and enjoy them. Most of this stuff is out in my house all year round, just all by itself or hidden or wherever. I just gathered it all up together in one place and it worked! ha
I made that skeleton last year. It is one of my favorite things. It is a SOCK! I made it at the museum last year at a craft night. It was really easy to do! Those tiny ghosts, you have seen and of course the severed hand is from Joan, my boyfriend's mom! It is ceramic, she is so good with that! We have a severed hand AND foot!
The pumpkin is from Ryan's market. We are going to decorate pumpkins maybe this weekend or next. I want to have a few big pumpkins this year to put on our fire escape to see from the street! The little pumpkins are cute too though. I want to also try to make my own pumpkin puree so I can make pumpkin bread. Yum!
The raven I usually have up high on a shelf, watching over my apartment. I am a weirdo. Haha.
It is fun! I have decided it is a warmup for Christmas decorating!