Thursday, October 7, 2010

Craft Bar at the Mocfa

I went to the always fun craft bar at the Museum of Craft and Folk Art in San Francisco tonight and had a ball. I made a sock skeleton(here it is ALMOST finished it got a mouth) and a jack-o-lantern stuffie :) You know it is what I love. So I took their project and made it my own. Fun stuff.

Betsy and I named them Mortichai(skele) and Snowflake(pumpkin).

We took them to dinner(empanadas) and now they are sitting finished on my mantel with a real pumpkin as our halloween decorations! Yay! I love the holidays :)

I can't wait for the next Craftbar, they are affiliated with Etsy Labs and they are every month and they are a lot of fun, I wonder what will be in store for November and my favorite, December!

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