and because I am all about how spoiled I am and show-y off-y, I am going to tell you how amazing my sister is. For our bridesmaids gifts, she got us these ADORABLE coach clutches. So cute!
And cause I am extra special and I was the maid of honor, I got these awesome wine glasses. Just my size too, i.e. HUMONGOUS! What can I say, I like to drink some wine... :)
So, since I have been back, I have not worked on any clothes or crafty-ness, but this upcoming weekend, you better watch out. I have already picked out this pattern that I want SUPER bad and I am going to go at it! haha. I also need to make myself some sort of blouse in black because I have fabulous hot pink shoes my momma gave me that I need to show off and I have nothing that matches them. More on them later!