It is that time of year again, the time we go and visit our lovely old state of Ohio! We went this time for a short whirlwind trip to watch my sister get married(again :D) Isn't she beautiful?!? It was so exciting and fun and we got to spend a lot of time with my family which is so important to me. We also got to catch up with friends and we even made it out to Toledo to swim and hang out a bit. It was lovely. I am exhausted and could use another week vacation so I can actually relax. Haha.

I took exactly 2 pictures and they were terrible. I am the WORST at that when I am stressed. So, I am borrowing pictures from my dad and brother as they post them so you can see. This is my sister in law and my nephew LJ he is so dapper!
I was spoiled rotten, especially by my family for my 30th birthday. My sister even made the entire reception sing happy birthday to me after dinner. I was embarrassed thouroughly. But I felt so special! I can't wait to show you what I got! The bridesmaids gifts were ridiculous too... When my camera charges(you know, 2 pictures is really hard on the battery...) I will show you the awesomeness that was my birthday! Spoiled Rotten.
Happy 30th!! Hope it was a great day. I'm turning 30 in December too. :)
I'm so glad we got to see you! :) It had been WAY too long!
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