I got to pet a horse! Well, a few of them. And it was the best!
I went to the Geauga county fair today. It was nice. We ate yummy(bad for you) food, looked at tons of fun stuff, and petted a bunch of animals. It would be my best friend's nightmare :D I petted some horses, some pigs, some goats, a sheep, some bunnies, a duck, a chicken, and i tried to pet an alpaca, but these little kids wouldn't get out of my way. It was so fun!
It was a fun way to spend my Sunday afternoon, especially with my family, the ones I like right now anyways.
Tomorrow I am going to sew, shop and hang out. This week is going to be nice because it is short. I only have to work Tues-weds-thurs and then my brother is getting married. Hopefully it will rain.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
LaurenSmash loves horses
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
mushrooms in my hair....
I had a crazy party weekend. Well party in the sense that I hung out and ate cake on Saturday *and* Sunday with my extended family. It was nice!
I also got 2 new sweaters! I love them and can't wait to go back to SF to wear them, although this is kind of the time of year it warms up back there. Soon enough though, soon enough.
I can't believe my brother is getting married 2 weeks from yesterday! I can't wait, it is going to be such a fun bonding experience for my family. A whole weekend of just us hanging out and marrying off the first born ;D I still have to find ballet shoes and make a bag. I think a little clutch with a bunch of tulle on it. I am hopefully going to take a bunch of pictures. I wish Ryan was coming for it, but soon enough for him too.
My mom is thinking about coming across the country with me and then flying back to Cleveland. I think that would be *so* much fun! I hope she does. We can listen to books on tape, music, and podcasts, eat tons of fun food and camp out in hotel rooms. I am hoping to come back around these parts at Christmas time to hang out with Ryan and my family. We might even drive then too!
My Friend Chris
This is my friend Chris. He wants to buy a serger really bad. He won't stop talking about it. He makes cool things for ice skates. He was mad that I never blog about him so I took his picture last night and here is a little blog about him. He is getting married soon. His fiancee Lindsay(forgive me if I spelled that wrong) is very sweet. I am excited for them.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wishful thinking
I tried and tried and tried and tried to sew last night to hardly any avail. Hmmph. Sometimes I would just rather be lazy and hang out watching movies or tv or just draw. Last night was one of those drawing nights :D i filled a few pages in my sketchbook with fun ideas and listened to music.
I have to get a book on tape or a few for my trip back. I am much better at listening to them now.
I could really go for red robin right now. I think I am going to go and get some. for dinner. I feel like eating french fries. I am never going to fit into my bridemaid's dress :D
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Smash Family Wedding
so... my brother is getting married in less than 3 weeks!! I am so excited. I am sure there will be tons of fun pics from that. but last night was the Bachelorette party and boy am I feeling it this morning. I did have a steady diet of french fries and other greasy things today to keep me from dying.
We had a ball though. We had a party bus(which ended up being like a public transportation bus that we could drink on) anyways, the party bus broke down and our super fun driver had to leave us and order us a limo. We had to wait an hour for the limo which sucked. But it was my first time in a limo! I was so disappointed. It was cramped, the driver sucked(he talked in whispers) It really was just a long car. I did have fun taking pictures in the mirror on the celing. That was all I took pics of too. I am strange.
It was a full moon and we were crazy. Jessy had a huge list of things to do that involved accosting people. mostly boys. At one bar I danced the night away with a guy that is getting married in a week and that was fun too.
Today, I played a Wii for the first time. That was more fun than I thought it would be. I definitely should never get one because I would spend my entire day playing with it and get nothing done.
This weekend was pretty much a bust working wise, I feel so sleepy right now, I think I am going to get tons of rest so tomorrow I can sew my fingers to the bone. I am loving the fact that I have a callous on my sewing finger. :D
Did I tell you I want to knit? I read a bunch in my books yesterday and I think I can do it. I just need to get some needles and practice! I found something I want to make so bad, I just have to get to it! So, if you have any knitting tips, I would love to hear them. I will succeed at it.
Oh, and did I tell you I am moving back to California? Cause I am.
Monday, August 11, 2008
How can you not buy this? especially if you love skeletons that hold their own heads and burn tealights in their hats. and it was only $7

How can you not buy this? especially if you love skeletons that hold their own heads and burn tealights in their hats. and it was only $7, originally uploaded by laurensmashtoys.
yankee candle has *my* number...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Bowling with the fam...
and sucking big time :D
I had a super fun night out with My mom, dad, sis and her bf Officer Ryan. It was nice! Except for the bowling part. I was horrible. And frustrated. and whiny. :D
I will say that if I ever own a house, I am definitely entertaining the thought of putting that carpet in it. :D
The night wasn't completely ruined though, I did get a banana cream pie blizzard from Dairy Queen after. It was *tasty* well, except the part of it that had nerds candy in it, that was kind of weird but whatevs!
Then I came home and passed out when I should have been sewing. I am excited cause I got into You Bazaar in SF at the beginning of November. I am *so* there :D I can't wait to do another show, they are my very favorite thing!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
my idea of the best sunday....
I had a great day today! My whole family was gone at a golf thing in Akron, Ohio and I was all alone. It was fabulous!
My day consisted of laundry(seriously, I love laundry), buying a little bit of fabric and craft supplies(I spent under $10 which is always a fun little game I play), sewing up a storm making those little ladies that are above me on the right, and listening to This American Life podcasts.
Ahhh, This American Life podcasts, do you know that I never listened to a podcast on my own before? I am a failure sometimes :D I absolutely loved listening to this when I was sewing! I can't believe what I was missing out on! Why didn't you ever tell me how great these were?(besides you Missy, I *know* you tell me all the time)
I am in a great groove right now, hopefully I can keep it up!