Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hey look at my new bathing suit!

My new bathing suit!, originally uploaded by laurensmashtoys.

and my messy room hmmm. I am going to have to get a better pic of this when my camera battery is charged. The phone camera had to do for now.

I *looovvvvvee* this bathing suit! I bought it from She was a dream to work with and the suit fits like a charm. Now if I can keep up my workout to ensure that I don't get too fat for it in the 2 weeks before our trip! I mean it fits *just* right. More front lunges and burpees for me!

Hope all is well out there! I am just trying to hang in there and get my self together for Ohio. I have a vet appointment to make, shorts to buy, and a birthday to have!

Did I mention that my birthday is in *2* days!


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