Today was the traffic-y-est day of all. And I was stuck in every bit of it. I drew the line when I was on my way home and the bridge was so backed up that I knew that if I were to get in line I would just be in line for an hour. And my stress levels were already high from other traffic of the day, so I chose to go the high road and go shopping before I went back to my beloved San Francisco. I know it is cheesy, but I made the journey to Michael's. I can always find weird stuff and entertain myself for long periods of time there. Today was a good score, not only did I entertain myself for an hour and a half, I got some neato stuff too.

I got 2 pairs of socks, a bunch of paper to make cute paper girls, a pair of sunglasses, a hair bow and some tacky glue for $9. And I had fun finding it all. I really like how that place appeals to so many of my crafty needs. There jewelery section has come a long way, there is yarn, and cake decorating supplies and clothes. ugh. I had fun.

There is my bow! I should have bought a colored one, but black will go with everything :)

And there is me with my glasses AND my bow. Fun stuff.
Alas, when I returned to the bridge there was still WAY too much traffic. I don't know what was going on today. Hopefully tomorrow is better or I am going to be out of money soon...