Monday, October 25, 2010

pumpkin fun!

Yesterday we had two of our favorite people over to carve pumpkins. It is one of Ryan and I 's favorite things to do!

I carved the tiny pumpkin. And while I was disappointed at first to get the teeniest pumpkin, it turned out to be a blessing. Less stuff to scoop and less intimidating of a canvas. I love it. The only thing is that we didn't have any tea lights so no candle shots for my pumpkin yet!

Ryan got the super cool organic pumpkin from the market with the crazy stem. :)

Here is Megan's pumpkin giving Ryan the side eye

Here are all of them together. We didn't have enough candles to get a good lit up picture.

1 comment:

urban craft said...

Sweet, you got like the coolest pumpkins to carve too. It's hard to find them with such long stems.