He was pretty nervous, his theme was zombies and beach, both things he hates:
Here he is starting:
Some progress:
And his finished drawing, he used charcoal and most everyone else was using paint with a bunch of colors. This is why he lost. The other guy's drawing wasn't that good, but it had a lot of color.
Also we were there for Skinner. He got God and feather:
Here he is setting up:
Here he is painting:
Here he is ruining my final shot:
So here is a terrible cell phone picture of Skinner's piece and also the winning God piece(the lady). Skinner was totally robbed.

So I learned a few things. Art in a competition for is funny. David needs to use a color if he wants to win because people in the audience don't know what is cool. I thought it was so fun and would go again. We left early though because it was WAY too long.
The rest of this weekend will involve crafts. Tomorrow I have a craft show. We will see how it goes!
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