I have had an absent week. It has been filled with work and working out. Ugh. But! I did make a new shirt! Its the same pattern as the bow shirt, McCalls 5851. Just minus the bows. It is super cute and comfy and needs to shrink just a little. Which is ok, because the other shirts I have made have gotten just a little bit smaller.

I also got my hair done today! I love that. It is by my favorite girl and it was properly colored and cut. I can't wait to get up tomorrow and do it myself!
The weather has been crazy beautiful here, even nice enough to have the windows open at night. It is a dream! Hopefully it will stay that way!
love ur hair in the top pic
love the shirt and the fabric you chose. black and white patterns are my weakness.
one of these days i'm going to learn how to sew more than just a pouch with my machine.
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