Ryan's mom and Step Dad came and they got Tattoos! Well Joan and Ryan did...

For Reals! Aren't they cute?
It was my OTHER cute little nephew's birthday! I made him some funny shirts and a sock skeleton. He really likes after dinner game shows...
Then it was Halloween, and we put out some pumpkins!
This present second, I am working on a really cute present for Ryan's niece, it is her birthday tomorrow. Now that we are all caught up, I feel much better. Now I can do some more cool stuff and can share it too!
Cutest shirts ever! They turned out great! Keep posting so I know what you are up to!!! xoxo
Love the tattoos!! And the Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy shirts, I used to watch those shows everyday back before I had the internet and Netflix... Welcome back to blogging! :)
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