Still can't find my camera cord! Urgh!
I did get a great deal at the store and got 2 blazers for $20! Woo Hoo.
My dog is officially a pig. She has been eating like a mad woman! We changed her food to a senior dog food(well, she *is* nine!) and since then, she can't stop eating! Is this weird?
I did make peanut butter cookies and the boys of my house ate them all up! That is what boys are good for I suppose :D
And Ryan has been painting! A lot actually. It is nice actually. I did find my own time to make 5 dolls, I just need to add hair and clothes.
My first sales call tomorrow. YIKES!! I am driving to work in the morning so there will be Christmas music!
Monday, November 30, 2009
I made peanut butter cookies and Ryan ate them and painted
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Our Night last night
This has been a nice long weekend(with the exception of my 1/2 on Friday. We both have been getting some creative work done.
I have been working on some dolls with yarn hair and of course, I have been hopped up on Dayquil. I have been too afraid to take Nyquil because I am weird.
Today I am thinking about shopping for a cute suit jacket because I have 3 sales calls this week and I need to look the part. But nothing nerdy.
Hopefully I can shake this sickness, I hate blowing my nose! Besides that, I haven't really been able to eat anything, everything is turning my stomach..
Today, I am also going to bake some cookies, and we are going to get our tree next weekend! Exciting :D
Saturday, November 28, 2009
3rd annual T-Day with Ertiepie
Yay! we had a fabulous Thanksgiving, Tofurkey day what have you. :D We went to Ert's for the 3rd year in a row and it did not disappoint. She made a fabulous Tofurkey, super good cranberry sauce and some roasted brussel sprouts. I made crescent rolls(yay pillsbury), my grandma edda's stuffing and super yummy Kahlua yams. And for dessert, custard pie. Ryan had 2 slices and has almost killed a whole leftover pie :D That is a big feat since he does not usually eat sweets.
We have been sick so I didn't eat probably as much as I would have if I was feeling better. I am still a little under the weather as of now, and have not been hungry for the leftovers. :( Oh well...
I took a bunch of toys to the Museum of Craft and Folk Art, I hope things sell! Since I am not in any shows this winter it will be my only outlet.
We are trying to save money like whoa right now. I will be crafting away here in a minute for sure for Christmas.
I hope everyone had a great day, celebrating what they are thankful for and are now in the throws of Christmas season!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Yarn Hair!
A new doll in process! Yarn hair, a crocheted cape, and a little dress. I had more fun with this than I've had sewing in a long time. I also have been working on some robot ornaments for the museum. Keeping busy!
Sunday, November 1, 2009

We had a pretty nice Halloween around these parts! It is definitely interesting because we live on a busy street with lots of bars and lots of weird tipsy dressed up people like to pass through. It is fun to people watch. You see the weirdest things. Ryan decided he wanted to be Max from "Where the wild things are" We didn't plan well and ended up making both of our costumes today. So, he got a pair of sweatpants and we turned a grey sweatshirt inside out and I made ears and a tail from my stash of fabric. He made the crown out of cardboard and spray painted it gold. People really liked it!! Baby was a lion for just a few minutes, she hated it so much. I laughed at her too :D

Here is my costume. It is from the Built by wendy 3835 pattern. I whipped it up so quick and then made the smock/apron to complete the outfit. I had a blonde wig, but Ryan bought a dog the bounty hunter-wife wig so it was trashy and curly and soooo didn't work. So I decided that Alice didn't have to be blonde and just put a black ribbon in my hair and went as me in a blue dress and smock with white tights and black mary janes.
We went out for a minute, but it was boring, so we sat at home and people watched, and heckled. It was very fun. Tomorrow I have to do lots and lots of laundry and clean our room. I have some ornaments to make for the Museum, and maybe snuggle and watch some movies.
It is officially holiday season people!!!