So, I am a moron and can't figure out how to post the random number thing. But I ran it and it came up with #6! Which is the lovely:
SAM VARADY said...
My fav summer memory HAS to be this summer. I got married at DISNEY WORLD.
Because I had to deal with this over the weekend:
Yay congrats! Lady, I just need your address and I will mail your package out. my email is and ps I am jealous of your memory cause I WANT A HUSBAND. j/k haha. :) Thanks for commenting and Congrats doubly time!

Because I have a bunch of plush toys in my closet when they should be being snuggled. Because I made some cute pouches and hair bobbies. Because i love you.... I am doing a giveaway! With 3 things:
These cutie pie twin bunnies.

This bow pouch

This tiny pink and purple tiny bobby pin for your hair!

Its all yours!
Just comment on this post about your very favorite summer memory by Friday at 6pm and I will have the random number generator pick one winner! Yay!