SAM VARADY said...
My fav summer memory HAS to be this summer. I got married at DISNEY WORLD.
Because I had to deal with this over the weekend:
Yay congrats! Lady, I just need your address and I will mail your package out. my email is and ps I am jealous of your memory cause I WANT A HUSBAND. j/k haha. :) Thanks for commenting and Congrats doubly time!
Because I have a bunch of plush toys in my closet when they should be being snuggled. Because I made some cute pouches and hair bobbies. Because i love you.... I am doing a giveaway! With 3 things:
These cutie pie twin bunnies.
This bow pouch
This tiny pink and purple tiny bobby pin for your hair!
Its all yours!
Just comment on this post about your very favorite summer memory by Friday at 6pm and I will have the random number generator pick one winner! Yay!
My favorite summer memory is having a house on Donner Lake last year and enjoying a week there with my family!!!
The best and my most favorite summer memories are bonfires at the beach....ahh... :)
My favorite summer memory is ummm, this one. I'll be staying home i.e. not working for the first time in like 13 years. And I get to spend every single moment with my 2 babies. So excited! :)
My favorite summer memory is the summer I was unemployed and broke, but got to do whatever I wanted with Cory, sister Lauren, our friend Sara, and our friend Brandon...and they all took good care of me because I was poor. We swam and went to bars and laid around my apartment and BBQ'd and it was amazing.
Oh, and then my wedding and honeymoon last summer. But those are more of a "favorite life memory". :)
My fav summer memory HAS to be this summer. I got married at DISNEY WORLD.
My favorite summer memory dropping everything and going to the beach on a whim. My aunt would babysit me over the summer and she would always take us to the beach. I love and miss the beach very much. Fortunately I have already made a fun summer beach memory this year.
ps. Love everything you make. I had the opportunity to see your work IRL this past weekend, but had yet to discover your blog. :) Happy Crafting!
How fun!!! I'm sorry I've been so lazy about commenting on your blog lately. I've been lazy in everything lately:)
My favorite summer memory is going camping in Durango - we started going 4 years ago and we go either at the beginning of summer or the end of summer. This year we went at the beginning of summer. Something about the mounain air up there, the beautiful greenery, but it just feels like the perfect place to relax and take it easy and catch up on sleep:)
Hey Lauren! :)
My favorite summer memory was from this summer...I recently attended an art retreat led by my favorite artist, Sabrina Ward Harrison. It was truly magical!!
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