Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I require decorations for my beverages.

I had an exceptionally lovely weekend.

My good friend Chris bought a house with his girl, and he had a super nice party to celebrate. Of course, it was seven hundred degrees outside which made it difficult to breathe, but it was nice to spend time with friends. Luckily, he had plenty of things to put in my drink that were fun like giraffes and umbrellas. It made for a pretty fancy gingerale and grenadine. I also played cornhole for the first time and I now think it is definitely as lame as its name.

Now I'm back to work and loving the weather. It has a definite northern california feel to it. Hot sun but cool breeze. one of my favorite things!!

This week is nice, I am going to try super hard to meet my friends Tessa and Megan down in Columbus for a night, Maybe Friday if I can swing it! I am excited! I always love meeting my etsy friends :D

I also have my brother's gradubirthdaygagement party! He is 30, his fiance graduated Nursing school and they are engaged! It should be a fun time! Hopefully the weather stays nice out for it and we don't drown in thunderstorms or die of heat exhaustion. Hopefully there will be tiny plastic animals to put in my glass.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

i buy all kinds of things to decorate my drinks and i love drinking everything out of straws. it just makes my life seem a little bit more fun!