Ryan and I went to see Inglorius Basterds. And as anyone who can't afford an $11 movie itself would do, we snuck in snacks from Ryan's work. Ryan bought me these fabulous cookies that I could not get enough of. They were Alfajores, a cookie from Argentina. It was the best thing I have ever had. So, of course I had to try to make it myself at home!

It is a cornstarch cookie with a dulce de leche center.
For the cookie:
1/2 c butter
1 c sugar
1 egg
2 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 c cornstarch
1/2 c flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 c dulce de leche
1. preheat your oven to 350
2. cream butter and sugar until fluffed.
3. Beat in the egg and egg yolks and then add vanilla
4. Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl, add into wet mixture and mix well.
5. roll into small balls and flatten onto a well buttered baking sheet.
6. bake for 12 minutes.
7, sandwich the cookies together with the dulce de leche
8. mmmm eat.
For the Dulce de Leche:
2 14oz cans of sweetened condensed milk
1 tb of vanilla
1. (double boiler: I just use two pans the same size the bottom one with water in it the top one with the ingredients in it :D)
2. heat the water in the bottom of the double boiler to a simmer
3. Add sweetened condensed milk & vanilla in to the top pan and cook for 2 hours, stirring every 5 minutes. I recommend you set a timer!

I think they even taste better the second day. This is a very messy cookie for sure. It is not exactly what I was going for, but they are still good. I think next I am going to try the dulce delche between two shortbread cookies. I think it will be a more buttery, crumbly option, which is what I want :D

Tonight: Sex and the Single girl on DVD and more sewing!
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