Sunday, June 21, 2009


WIP, originally uploaded by laurensmashtoys.

:D I have some ladies in progress! I have been on again off again sewing and getting some new little girls sewn up. I will probably have them up this week, I am making a whole little click. clic? How do you spell that? I know my desk looks messy but it is sooo organized right now. Actually the whole house is pretty organized right now.

Today was nice, we went to Ocean Beach in San Francisco and now we all smell like the ocean and our hair is salty. We were cold and it was windy and sunny and the dog wasn't playing for the most part she was being guard-y which can be annoying but other than that it was totally relaxing.

Happy Father's day to all of the daddies out there! Mine is all alone in Ohio. And by alone I mean he spent the day with his family and my brother and sister and had a great time, but I wasn't there so I know he was probably crying inside. haha just kidding.

Now we are settling down to watch a movie and relax, we got Zack and Miri make a porno and Synecdoche new york. We will see how it goes!

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