Today is Ryan's first day back to working on Saturdays and I am bored. It makes me feel all spendy when he works on the weekends for some reason, I think I feel like in order to entertain myself I need to spend money. Which is a bad idea. So, I had to get a shower curtain at target, and I ended up getting a pink flamingo one, pics later I am sure, but I left it in the car and if you live in San Francisco you know that parking can be a challenge so it is far far away and uphill and when I left my car I forgot it in there. Also I got a new lamp cause we just don't have enough light in this room!
ANYWAYS, I have that pattern I showed you a couple days ago that I am DYING to sew so I figured, hey I have some time off today, why don't I go to the fabric store, get some binding, get the fabric I want and make it!? Well, the fabric store led to a new pattern that I HAD TO HAVE.

But alas, they did not have my size in the pattern. But now it was the only thing I wanted today. Sad. I went to Jo Ann's mostly cause it was right by Target, and they don't always have my favorite fabric and there was this awesome tattoo fabric I wanted at Mendells right down the street from my house in the Haight. I figured, well if I can't have the NEW pattern I want, I will at least buy the fabric I want and make the original dress when I get home! So I drove home found that far away parking space, walked to Mendells and lo and behold, my favorite fabric was about 1/2 yard too short to work with. UGH! So no new pattern, no new fabric, no new dress. :( bummer. But the upside is, I ordered the pattern online when I got home and tomorrow hopefully I can hunt down some awesome fabric. I might even buy some from Spoonflower cause there is a lot of that I want too!
So now I am NOT going to sew, but instead clean a little and watch TV till I get Ryan and he can put together my new lamp!!! Tomorrow I will hunt.
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