Thursday, April 8, 2010

hi there

DSCN1965, originally uploaded by laurensmashtoys.

ugh. too much chocolate in my life. I have a food problem. If it is at my arms length, it is in my tummy. I try not to keep too many snacks around.

It needs to be back to working out for this guy(gal I guess)! I am starting to feel just not good. So, this weekend I am going to have to start getting my food in check and myself working out again, ah pilates video and biggest loser video, I have missed you! well not really but I am glad to see you back.

Other than that I have not been sewing too much lately but listed a ton of stuff on Etsy. Hopefully I will be back in the swing of things soon, but I have a knitting project I want to take on this weekend and maybe some drawing projects too.

I am thinking about making a cute little sundress soon too, I have a pattern that I love that I want to work on.

Did I tell you that I watched "The Secret" ? Well, I thought it was going to be lame and it was anything but. So inspirational and exactly how i look at the world. I have been trying to keep myself in check and on the positive side. The law of attraction is so true. If you are thinking positively then good things will happen.

I am hoping for a nice weekend. I would like to try and sew and also to rollerskate! It has been rainy the past few sundays and so no skating for me. Heres to sunshine...

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