Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Stuff.

I told you I got a new plush from MyPaperCrane! It is this adorable little guy, he is a sleepy mountain man...


he is yawning and adorable...

I did work on some new toys! They are fairies. They have wings on their backs too...




I like their little heart noses!

I am sad today because Ryan has decided to stop speaking to me. That is a good thing for both of us I am sure, but it still makes me sad. He was my best friend and the person who knew me best for a long time and I think it is unfortunate that we can't talk anymore. I do think it will be productive and also help healing. I hope he feels in the future that he can come to me and talk to me as friends.

Today I am doing a "working interview" with the company I am trying to work for. I am excited, it should be fun. I also have another interview before I find out if I will get hired. Tonight I am hoping to work a little on something secret. :D

1 comment:

xoDanielle said...

Hey! I'm doing a working interview today too. Good Luck!

Sorry about Ryan, but I'm sure Beard Man can console you ;)