I really didn't want a Tsunami, especially since I really wanted to wear my new shirt today! And if I was water-ed out, i would not be able to strut my stuff. Yes that is a blurry bathroom shot at work and yes that is my but in the background mirror. I do what I can with what I have...But look how cute the shirt is! I mean come on, an empire waist and a boat neck. Please. I don't think it looks exactly like the picture, and I am ok with that. I like it better than the picture. It is:

I have also been pretty productive this week. I guess I have had enough "Bejeweled Blitz" to last a lifetime and a half so when I am sitting at home, my idle hands are sewing up a toy instead of scooting flashy jewels around...I think that is good. Here are some of the lamb-ys I have been working on whilst rotting my brain with Netflix. Aren't they cute?
This weekend feels productive. I am going fabric shopping tomorrow for a new clothing project and hopefully I will work on my bow shirt on Sunday. Have a good Friday night kids!
cute top! I need to look for that pattern!
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